Contact us
Lessons are on Mondays:
12:15pm - 2:15pm
Feel free to reach out for a chat: 0478 299 850
Bright Spark : A person who is clever in their own rightful way; full of energy & enthusiasm.
Creatives : Marked by the ability or power to create.

About Bright Spark Creatives
Commencing school or kindergarten is a big step in any child's life. However it can be especially challenging for little ones with conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Global Development Delay etc....
Bright Spark Creatives offer programs to assist children with additional needs prepare for a successful transition in to school or kindergarten.
Working together with your child's Occupational Therapist or Speech Therapist, your child's individual learning plan and goals will be incorporated into their class, so that they are also receiving extra therapy assistance as well as learning routines & expected behaviours for when they join the classroom.
Parental support & participation is necessary for the first three weeks. From then on, the parents will begin to sit back and purely observe during the sessions, and then ultimately work on a rotating roster whereby the parent is not present for an entire session.
We implement strategies designed to assist children to adapt to their new environments, with a focus on self regulation, being able to sit on a mat for short lessons, ability to complete small tasks, sharing, social skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and becoming familiar with classroom routines. We even supply a Bright Spark Creatives t-shirt & sweatshirt to become familiar with the concept of uniform.
A report will be sent to your child's therapist weekly, and at the end of the year a comprehensive transition report will be provided for your child's future educator to assist with a smooth transition in to school or kinder life.
NDIS early intervention funding may be used if your child has a self-managed or plan-managed account and if their diagnosis is a suitable fit for this program. Our sessions are run by a qualified Counsellor and Allied Health Assistant specialising in Paediatric Occupational Therapy assistance, with current NDIS Clearance, Working with Children's check & fully trained in Covid19 infection control.
You cannot "make" children learn.
You can only "provide" the right conditions for learning to happen.
Our programs run weekly, for two hours per week. Small classes of five allow us to assist us to give each child the time & attention they deserve. Our sessions are held on a sensory safe, quiet street with a secure indoor play area in Bendigo.
Sessions currently run on Mondays from 12:15pm - 2:15pm at the Community Centre of St Francis of the Fields Primary School, Strathfieldsaye.
Our Term 4, 2024 sessions are currently fully booked, but please contact Sarah for a chat about other supports that may be available for your child.
Parental participation and observation is required to assist in implementing the learned strategies at home, however we will also work on a rotating roster whereby parents leave the class in the later weeks to assist the child to become familiar with separation.
Below is an example on how our classes run:
Place bag in locker, unpack lunchbox, drink bottle, hat & workbook.
Become familiar with their name by colouring and tracing the letters of their name. Become familiar and safe with their environment while the other children settle in.
Mat Time
We emphasise on a greeting, and welcome each child individually. Enjoy a song & a short story while using techniques to remain seated.
Gross Motor Skills
We enjoy an activity together, while implementing learned strategies such as sharing, turn-taking, and providing warning when an about to change activities.
It's important for children to understand that they must eat their food while at school & kinder. We enjoy a snack together, please bring your child a lunchbox of morning tea or afternoon tea.
Fine Motor Activity
We enhance children's fine motor skills while implementing self regulation exercises when necessary.
Social Interaction
Each week we will play a game that encourages children to play together, work as a team or take turns.
We conclude our session with praise and gratitude, thanking each other for being there and encouraging the great successes of each child.
Heading 1
"Don't compare your child to others.
There's no comparison between the sun & the moon.
They shine when it's their time."
Pricing & Terms
Participants must be referred by their Occupational Therapist. Please speak to your therapist about whether these classes are right for you and your child's NDIS plan, and please don't hesitate to contact us to arrange a phone call or a meeting.
Our sessions are a commitment of one school term (10 weeks), with the possibility to re-enrol for following terms until your child commences kinder or prep. The cost for involvement is billed at the current NDIS capped prices for code 115_606_0118_1_3 (working out to approximately $120 per child per week, depending on number of participants per class). This includes a weekly two hour program as outlined in Our Programs, weekly reports & session plans provided to your therapist, as well as a Bright Spark Creatives t-shirt & sweatshirt uniform.
Please note that after orientation, a one term commitment (10 weeks) is required to ensure consistency in pricing for other group members.
We understand some children have siblings who may be in attendance, please contact us to have a chat about how we can make these sessions work for you with extra bambinos in tow!

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing its stupid."
- Albert Einstein
Contact Us
Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your child's goals and aspirations when preparing for school and kindergarten.
Our classes take place on Mondays at the Community Room of St Francis of the Fields Primary School in Bendigo. Please contact us for full details.
Sarah Murphy
Bright Spark Creatives
0478 299 850
ABN: 48 642 630 551